How To Use A Male Masturbator

The Basics: How To Use A Male Masturbator
When it comes to male masturbation and "getting yourself off" so to speak, I’m sure all men can agree with me when I say that, your hands truly are your best friends. Satisfying as this may be, a deeper more satisfying orgasm can be experienced through the use of a male masturbator or stroker.
Before jumping into the “hows to’s” of how to use a male masturbator, it is important to know what a male masturbator is in the first place and how to choose the right one for you.
Once I get those necessary details out of the way, then it’s time to work out the steps to take in order to maximize your sexual euphoria.
So, What Is A Male Masturbator?
Basically, the male masturbator if you don’t know what this is already, is simply a sex toy designed to make masturbation even more enjoyable for men.
A male masturbator could also be called, a pussy pocket, penis stroker or masturbation aid. In design, it resembles a “sleeve” which you can insert your penis into and feel the soft and stretchy material the toy is made of. Most modern masturbators used today feel lifelike to that of a woman's vagina.
What Are The Benefits Of Using A Masturbator?
For starters, it’s pretty comfortable and takes a “load off” for both your hands and penis. With that said, it also lessens the friction caused by the constant rubbing, tugging and pulling. And, no more chafing!! Lastly, it can massage your penis in such a way that you would think it’s a vagina doing the work.
Choosing The Right Masturbator For You
Before deciding on the perfect masturbator, there are some factors that you should look into first, these will help you decide which one would suit your needs the best.
Choosing the right opening: When it comes to male masturbators, guys have the option to choose which design they want. Male masturbators come in various designs including ones that resemble a pair of lips or the entrance to either the vagina or anus. Yes, there is one for every hole.
If you don't fancy these designs, then there are always masturbators that have more simple and functional openings and inner linings. At Sex Toys Erotica we have a fantastic range of masturbators and strokers the hard part is choosing which one to buy.
Choosing the right material: Different types of masturbators come in a variety of materials. Most of these are made of soft and flexible materials like jelly that can give you maximum pleasure. There are those which are made from other materials such as TPR or TPE or silicone. All materials are tested and proven safe for use so it doesn’t matter which material you choose, although the feel of each will vary.
In comparing the TPR, TPE or silicone masturbators to the jelly ones, these are not as stretchy. With all the different options available, it’s just a matter of choosing the one that you feel most comfortable with. The PDX Elite Air-Tight Anal Stroker - Black/Flesh Anal Stroker by Pipedream Extreme is an anal stroker which has a snug feel that warms to your body's temperature to create a lifelike experience. You might prefer a mouth; the SLT (Self Lubrication Technology) Adam & Eve Juicy Lucy Stroker which is self-lubricating, making it a stand out in pleasure devices.
If you are not feeling the first masturbator you got, there are always other options that you can get your hands on.
Choosing the correct sleeve: Not all cocks are created the same, but that’s no problem when it comes to male masturbators as they come in different lengths and widths. If the fit of the masturbator you have is a little tight or a little loose, you can always consider checking out different brands, materials or sizes.
Also, please consider the size of your penis when picking the right masturbator. You deserve to find the masturbator that fits right so you will be able to most pleasurable orgasm ever!
The All Important - How Do You Use A Masturbator?
To make sure you get an intense deep climax like no other, make sure that you know how to use your masturbator properly; read the instructions that it comes with, don’t just jump on in….
Your No-Frills Guide To Using a Masturbator
Lubricate: You might have known this before, but we can't emphasize enough the importance of using a lubricant, remember we don’t want to chafe. To make sure the masturbator slides up and down easily, you need to apply the right amount of lube on the toy and your penis. If it's too little, then it will become uncomfortable! When it comes to male masturbators, water-based lubricant is the most ideal lubricant to use.
Penetration: Male masturbators often have circular shaped entrances. At first glance, you would probably wonder how it can possibly accommodate your penis. Well thanks to the flexible material the toy is made of, it can stretch and increase in size as soon as you start inserting your penis, just like a real vagina.
When it comes to penetrating the sex toy, you should slide the head of the penis in very slowly. Before beginning, however, make sure you stimulate the tip of our penis.
Stroking: Once you've got your penis in, grip the outside surface of the masturbator and start stroking slowly. At first, you might have to keep adjusting to the length of the toy but eventually, you'll get the hang of it and work your way towards making fast movements.
A technique which you may want to try so you get maximum results is, that if the masturbator that you own has a hole on its end part, try covering it with your finger/s and this will create a stronger sucking action. In the beginning, you might experience a super quick climax but given time and with enough practice, you will last longer!
Cleaning and Safekeeping: To avoid any health issues or risks, remember to clean your masturbator thoroughly! Cleaning your toy is actually pretty easy. All that is really needed is hot water and soap. Make sure you clean it after use and dry well so as to not have bacteria breeding in damp conditions. To keep it free from dust and lint, you can wrap the toy in a clean cloth or return it to the box or packaging it came with! If the reason for searching for the perfect male masturbator is to build sexual stamina and hold off, then search for the best male masturbator around. There are many brands and makes on the market to choose from. It may take buying more than one before you find what suits you.
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